Car Insurance Rates - What Can A Teenager Do To Lower Rates?
Teenagers are more likely to have a car accident more than all other age groups combined. Several things have combined to make this so. First, they are inexperienced drivers and so are not likely to have the best response in a given situation. Furthermore, there's a certain level of recklessness that's part of youthfulness. All these make their insurance premiums higher than every other age group. Is there anything they can do to lower their insurance premiums? Yes, here they are...
1) Register their car in their parents' name and be on their policy. However, since this will mean less "independence' most teenagers may not really like this.
2) Take lessons in defensive driving from a school approved by the state. Defensive driving equips a driver to respond better to situations on the road. Defensive drivers are far less likely to be involved in an accident. This is so because they are not only trained to drive their own cars, they are also trained to "drive" the cars around them. By this I mean they are trained to anticipate the worst from drivers around them and make room for themselves.
3) Use specialized insurance companies. Yes, there are insurance companies that will bill a teenager less provided they adhere to certain provisions stipulated by the insurance company.
4) Buy cars that don't fall into the "expensive to insure" category of cars. This is very important: Nothing could be worse than having a teenager get a car insurance policy for a sports car.
5) Use car insurance quotes and comparison sites to locate insurance companies that are most favorably disposed to your profile. Insurance companies that are specialized in providing car insurance coverage to teenagers will likely offer you reduced rates. Certain terms usually apply.
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