Thursday, May 17, 2007

Texas Car Insurance Requirements

In regards to car insurance requirements in Texas, you must have a minimum of $15,000 to cover damages an accident causes other property; $20,000 to cover any bodily injury or death of one person per accident; and $40,000 to cover any bodily injury or death of two or more persons per accident. You can meet the Texas car insurance requirements by purchasing a policy from a car insurance company licensed to do insurance business in Texas, or you may want to post a self-bond – set aside enough money to meet the car insurance requirements in Texas.

Self-bonding, or self-insuring, to meet the Texas car insurance requirements does have its advantages. First, you do not have to worry about whether or not it is going to be difficult to get insurance – if you are providing it, it is already there! You also do not have to concern yourself with premiums, making payments on time, or renewal and cancellation in the matter of being self-insured.

When you meet the Texas car insurance requirements with a self-bond or self-insurance, you are also free to purchase additional car insurance coverage from a traditional car insurance company. By keeping your self-insurance stash in mind, you can pick and choose what car insurance coverage you want to purchase.

Self-bonding, or self-insuring, is not actually the most efficient way to meet the car insurance requirements in Texas, but it is an option – an option that many people choose. The most common reason people choose the option of self-bonding to satisfy the Texas car insurance requirements is because they feel they are uninsurable. A bad driving record, a flawed credit report, and a sketchy history of making payments are all factors Texans believe make them uninsurable; however, these are factors that can and do improve in time, and the self-bonded individual may want to switch to a traditional car insurance policy in Texas once these factors have improved.

5 Lazy Tips To Get Cheaper Car Insurance

Cheap car insurance are all over the place these days but sometime it's just too good to be true. Finding cheap car insurance is just a matter of logging in on the internet and you can compare quotes in as little as 5 minutes, but is cheaper always means that it is better? Getting cheap car insurance no longer takes much effort on your side.

Paying for the car insurance and making claims form the car insurance company are not the same and this is where most pitfalls are with car insurance company. When it comes to getting the greens out of your pocket, cheap car insurance company may be the way to go.

There are ways to reduce the cost of your car insurance even with the best of companies. Here are some tips for those looking for cheap car insurance to help reduce the cost of car insurance without compromising other things.

Cheaper car insurance tips just for you!:

The higher the risk your car is, the more premiums you have to pay for. Be sure to inform your insurance company of any additional safety devices, anti-theft devices on your car as this is a sure way of reducing your insurance cost. The cost of your insurance can sometime be lowered when you installed safety devices that are not standard in your vehicle.

The cost of your policy is directly related to this amount. People who has been paying the amount year after year sometimes forget to vary the deductible amount and yet they complaint of high cost of car insurance policy. If you are sure that you drive responsibly than you should not worry about reducing the deductible amount as it is only use in the event of an accident. Getting a cheaper car insurance can be as easy as varying the deductible amount.

Drive carefully. Although it sounds a little trite to say it, your car insurance cost is a factor of your risk profile. The more traffic offense you make, the more you insurance is going to cost you. These things are all taken into account and you should take care with how you drive. It all adds up onto your bill. There are big safe driver discounts available.

Some people may already have another type of insurance form other company. Many insurers offer a discount for multiple policies. If you insure your house with a certain company then ring them up and find out if they do car insurance. Since you already have an account with them, it is highly likely that you’ll get a discounted offer. If they don’t, just ask for it!

Find a good online discount car insurance broker before renewing. The internet is a fabulous resource. All sorts of discount insurance companies are available on the internet. Get the fastest quote from these companies. Getting online car insurance quotes can’t be much simpler nowadays. Often companies offer free quotes and you can get it from as much companies as possible.

Feeling that your car insurance is getting too much to handle? Use the tips above and you'll get better deal and better value for your money.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance Quotes and Save Up to 500 Dollars!

You could be spending $300, $400, even $500 too much for your auto insurance every year. Want to know how get cheap car insurance quotes in just a couple of minutes and put that money back in your pocket? Here's how ...

Examine Your Policy

Most of us never take the time to read our car insurance policies, much less understand them. Yet making a few changes in your coverage can save you hundreds of dollars on your insurance premium. Here are three things you can do to save a bundle your auto insurance premiums.

Increase Your Deductible Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay before your insurance company pays a claim. Simply raising your deductible by a few hundred dollars can save you hundreds of dollars on your car insurance every year.

Install A Security System Most insurance companies will give you a discount if you install a security system on your car. Installing an alarm or an anti-theft device will not only save you money, it will give you peace of mind.

Decrease Your Mileage The number of miles you drive has a direct bearing on the amount of money you'll pay for insurance. To cut down on the amount of miles you drive, try carpooling to work or even taking the bus a few times a week. You might also cut down on your weekly shopping trips.

Shop Online

The best way to get cheap car insurance quotes is to comparison shop online. It's fast, it's easy, and it's free.

It only takes a few minutes online in the privacy of your home to get a number of quotes so you can compare rates from top-rated companies and get a cheap car insurance quote.

Explore Your Options for Types of Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is at its heart financial protection. You purchase insurance in order to prevent paying thousands of dollars in the event of a collision or other loss. Many different types of insurance are available, covering almost every conceivable means of loss or damage to your vehicle as well as others to which you may cause damage. Very few drivers need to purchase every single type of insurance, so it is helpful to understand each type in order to decide which ones you require.

Property Damage
Depending on jurisdiction, property damage insurance may also be called liability insurance or similar. This insurance covers damage that your vehicle may cause to someone else’s vehicle. Each state sets its own minimum requirement for how much property damage insurance you must carry, but the state minimum may not be enough in the event of an accident. If you cause damage that exceeds the limits of your insurance you may be sued for the difference. Always purchase as much property damage insurance as you can comfortably afford.

Personal Injury
This type of auto insurance is also generally required by law. Personal injury insurance pays a portion (usually 80 percent) of your medical bills and a different portion (often 60 percent) of your lost wages if you are injured in an accident. A small death benefit is often attached in case you are killed in the accident. This protection might extend to relatives, household members or even anyone who happens to be in the car, depending on state requirements and the individual insurance company’s policies.

Bodily Injury
Although bodily injury protection is not required by all jurisdictions it is highly recommended that this insurance be purchased. Bodily injury insurance protects you in the event that you are at fault in an accident. If the other driver is injured beyond the limits of his personal injury coverage, your bodily injury insurance will take effect. Otherwise, you could be sued for his medical expenses.

If you are injured in an accident that is someone else’s fault and your medical bills exceed your personal injury protection but the other driver does not have bodily injury coverage, your uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will protect you. Your other option is to sue the other driver but lawsuits take both time and money. This insurance is reasonably priced and will pay relatively quickly. Purchase this insurance if you can.

Collision coverage is designed to reimburse you up to the actual cash value of your vehicle, less your deductible, if you are at fault in an accident. Collision insurance is usually required if your vehicle is financed. Premiums are high and the insurance is generally not worthwhile for older vehicles with a low cash value.

Comprehensive insurance covers the loss of your vehicle to theft or acts of God. As with Collision insurance, Comprehensive pays the actual cash value of the vehicle less your deductible. Comprehensive is usually required on financed vehicles but not worthwhile on older low-value cars.

Other auto insurance products will cover everything from a rental car to medical payments beyond your personal injury protection. Most of these products are worthwhile but not strictly necessary. If you have any questions regarding your coverage options be sure to speak to your insurance agent.

Reasons To Change Your Car Insurance Company

1. Paying too much for Car Insurance, its time to seek change.
2. When you must think of a new car insurance company.

Auto insurance is not a luxury but a necessity. And in order to get the maximum advantage experts recommend that you should shop around for auto insurance every 2-3 years. As policies change and newer players enter the market there are so many new attractive auto insurance schemes that you could benefit from. You should consider changing your auto insurance when:

• You are availing a huge mortgage to buy property and the bank or institution offers you a lower interest rate on home and auto insurance through their tie –ups.

• You have moved to another state where the auto insurance rules are different and you will make a saving by transferring your insurance to a new car insurance company. Or when your old car insurance company does not offer service in your new state.

• You want to cut costs and are trying to run your life on a budget. Shop around online for competitive auto insurance rates and change the car insurance company to one who offers the best deal.

• You have purchased a new car and the dealer is offering free insurance for three years. New cars have lower insurance rates so it is best for you to do a comparative study and find a car insurance company that offers a great deal. Car insurance rates vary greatly between car brands and types; find out which car insurance company offers the maximum coverage for the lowest rate.

• You are getting married and now will have two cars. Think about cancelling your individual car insurance policies and getting a joint one for both cars. Similarly if your family is growing and you have many cars used by adults as well as kids, ask auto insurance companies about group insurance schemes that will cover all the cars and drivers in your home. Most companies offer great discounted rates for combining car insurance policies.

• You are retired and now a senior citizen. Car insurance companies offer discounts to those who are 55 and above. There are a great many discounts available for a car that has a good insurance claim record, a car that is not driven every day, and a car that is single driver driven and well maintained.

• You are eligible for coverage through your new job. Many large companies have facilities like auto insurance schemes at premium rates lower than the market. If you are working in such a firm then you must consider cancelling your old policy and taking a new one with the car insurance company chosen by your workplace.

• When the rates being paid by you are high and your car insurance company shows no inclination to offer you a competitive rate. If you are paying too much for car insurance its time you changed your car insurance company to one that is offering you great facilities and rates.

Whatever the reason to change your car insurance company, the World Wide Web has sites where you can compare offers as well as quotes. Sites like give quote comparisons in a click. So, read all you can about car insurance and the companies and determine which car insurance company offer will suit you best.

How to Get Cheap Auto Insurance for Teens

Because teenagers have the worst driving record of any age group - they accounted for more than 6,500 driving fatalities in the U.S. last year - teenage car insurance premiums are the highest. So how can you get cheap car insurance for your teen son or daughter? Read on ...

Cheap Auto Insurance for Teens Tips

Here are some tips on how to get cheap auto insurance for your teen son or daughter ...

* Raise their deductible - raising your teenager's deductible from $100 to $500 can lower their insurance premium by 10% to 20%.

* Change cars - the difference between insuring a souped-up sports car and a conservative sedan can be as much as $1,000 or more.

* Put your teen on your policy - by insuring your teenage son or daughter on your car insurance policy, you can get up to a 15% discount on their premium.

* Have your teenager take driver's training - getting your teenager to take a driver's ed course will save you 10% to 15% on their insurance and will give you a little peace of mind to boot.

* Encourage your teen to get good grades - you can get a 10% discount in some states if your son or daughter gets good grades in school.

* Get them to chip in - having your teenage son or daughter pay for a portion of their auto insurance premium will not only save you money, it will teach them responsibility.

* Get multiple quotes - the exact same car insurance with different companies can vary as much as $1,000 a year. That's $10,000 over a ten-year period that you could save by spending a few minutes online comparing quotes.

* Shop online - shopping online to get quotes from different insurance companies is the quickest and easiest way to compare rates and get cheap auto insurance for your teen.

West Palm Beach, Florida, Auto Accident Attorney of 15-Year-Old Illegal Driver

You assume full liability for your under age children, so keep your wallet open. Or, you can avoid unpleasant events with a precise bulletproof asset protection system.

To quote a local paper regarding a West Palm Beach, Florida accident “The car was being driven by a 15-year-old sister who had only a learner’s permit and was at the wheel illegally.”

Do you have a problem child who is bent on seeking an unhealthy identity? The negligent action of your minor son or daughter could affect your own personal liability. You could be held accountable for the reckless actions of your minor children. I am not an attorney, nor am I dispensing legal advice, as a parent I’ve been there and done that; and I am sure that a Florida accident attorney finds these types of cases all the time.

I personally went around with my wallet open while my two sons were learning how to drive. Because I considered these to be minor infractions due to a learning experience and not willful negligence, it was easier for me to pay for the damage (usually under $500) than report it to the insurance company.

But consider this, if you have a renegade child under the age of 18 who takes matters into his/her own hands, has the tendency to be reckless, and willful, and decides to drive illegally, without permission, without your knowledge, you are held “primarily accountable” for the misconduct and damages they cause, in some cases even beyond the age of 18 because they live at home and “you own” the car and your son or daughter is insured under your policy.

If you sign your minor children’s applications for drivers license, permits, then you have “assumed the full responsibility” for your child’s negligence. For example in the state of Florida, the driver’s license of any person under the age of 18 must be signed and verified by a parent or guardian or other responsible adult willing to assume the obligation imposed under statute 322.09.


But, you say…that’s why you have insurance, and that’s why you have an umbrella policy, just for this event, right? Well, you would be wrong. And, you would not like to find this hard fact of life, after a car accident where your child is held responsible.

Let’s consider the typical auto insurance policy. Do you know what’s covered?

- Bodily injury liability. Generally covers other people’s bodily injuries or death for which you are responsible. Generally, it covers the cost of a legal defense up to the amount specified in your insurance contract. IT DOES NOT COVER PUNITIVE DAMAGES. This coverage does not cover you, … or other people named in your insurance policy.

- Property damage liability. This covers you, if your car damages someone else’s property, car, fence, house, etc. caused by your accident. It too, covers for a legal defense up to the limits of your policy. IT DOES NOT COVER PUNITIVE DAMAGES.

- Comprehensive, other than collision. This covers your vehicle for incidences other than collision, for example if your car is stolen, damaged by fire, vandalism, etc. Your coverage is limited to your policy.

- Collision. This covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by another vehicle, or other object. It pays for the amount of damage in your policy less your deductible.

- Uninsured Motorist, Uninsured property damage, Uninsured motorist bodily injury, … etc. I’m lumping these all in one category to get to the meat and potatoes, since it’s for covering yourself in case the other guy is not insured or under insured, or these days you have to consider illegal aliens hitting the road, illegally and without insurance.

- Umbrella Policy. In addition to an auto insurance policy and home insurance, most insurance people will recommend that you buy a “Personal Liability Umbrella Policy.” This is a “Supplemental Coverage” added to your auto and home insurance, that you already have in place. Some people refer this to as a “wealth preservation policy, for the rich.” This is a factual misconception of what an umbrella policy covers.

Depending on the nature of the claim, damages are first applied against the car insurance or home insurance, then to the Umbrella Policy. The umbrella policy is not the first line of defense against legal liability. If you buy an umbrella policy, you need to make sure what it covers, not all policies are the same.

Typically, umbrella policies cover personal injuries, injuries to others while on your property, and some forms of property damage in excess of your auto and home policy. IT DOES NOT COVER PUNITIVE DAMAGES NOR DOES IT COVER INTENTIONAL DAMAGE, OR NEGLIGENCE.


Can you buy enough insurance? NO.

All insurance policies cover the actual damages (up to the limits of your policy), and provide for a first line of legal defense. In cases where the judgment is in excess of what’s covered, you are on your own. No insurance company will cover for more than you agreed to cover. An example: your underage driver, drinks and drives, and causes an accident. The damage is $1,500,000. Your auto insurance covers the first $400,000 (the amount of coverage in your policy) the umbrella policy covers the next $600,000 if you have a $1million dollar umbrella policy and you are on your own for the next $500,000.

Please note: I am assuming that your auto and umbrella policies do not take a position against you where the level of negligence was more than civil litigation, you could be faced with a criminal case which may not be covered. Is this a lot more than you bargained for? (Please note that I’m not a lawyer or an insurance agent, and state laws vary from state to state; consult with a motor vehicle, truck, boating, or motorcycle accident attorney in your area).


Can you do anything now, to avoid these unpleasant results if you have under age drivers? YES.

By repositioning (transferring) your assets to an irrevocable trust, you will no longer legally “own” a residence, you will no longer “own” a car, you will no longer “have” investment accounts, etc. Title to your assets will be transferred (repositioned) from you to the name of an independent trust with an independent trustee. You will no longer own assets. You can only be sued for what you own or have a direct control.


With a proper system in some states, the cost of the insurance policy is substantially reduced, because the car is owned by a legal entity qualifying as a commercial motor vehicle, and the insurance is less than insuring under age drivers. Consult with your local insurance agent in most cases you should be able to secure a less expensive insurance premium because under a commercial policy, typically the car is insured, not the driver(s).

The sibling in West Palm Beach in this real-life scenario could have not just reduced his/her auto insurance costs but he/she could have protected him/herself from any further lawsuits as a result of his/her younger sister's illegal accident.

Cheap Car Insurance for Teens – How to Keep the Rates Down

One of the best ways to keep the rates down and obtain cheap car insurance for teens is by having your teen enroll in a driver education course. Not only do most car insurance companies offer discounts to teens who have taken driver education courses, but a driver education course will also help better prepare your teen for the road. Driver education courses are offered in most American high schools, and can be obtained by private companies.

Most driver education courses include classroom instruction, driving practice, and maintenance tips, as well as provide experience.

Classroom Instruction. Driver education courses include classroom instruction. Although most teens are anxious to get behind the wheel, the classroom instruction is necessary to begin teaching them about street signs, traffic lights, and basic rules of the road.

Driving Practice. During driving practice, not only will teens benefit from driving with and getting feedback from an experienced driver, but they’ll also get to see their classmates in action. Therefore, the students will learn from their classmates’ errors and successes.

Maintenance Tips. Some driver education courses teach teens basic car maintenance and repairs. For example, your teen’s driver education course may teach students how to change a flat tire. This is an emergency that can occur for drivers of any age.

Experience. Although a driver education course will not make your teen as experienced at driving as you are, it will give your teen experience that he or she did not previously have. Getting behind the wheel of a car with a driving instructor will give your teen a “heads up” when it comes to actually taking his or her driver license examination.

When the time comes for your teen to take the driver license exam and ultimately purchase car insurance – or be added to your car insurance policy – you can help keep the rates down by making sure your teen has taken a driver education course.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance for Teens - Some Tips and Advice

A good piece of advice for helping your teen get cheap car insurance is to make sure your teen becomes a safe and experienced driver. Car insurance companies offer the cheapest rates to those drivers who have stellar driving records, i.e., minimal or no traffic tickets and accidents.

You may be surprised to read that one of the main steps you can take to ensure your teen becomes a safe and experienced driver is to allow your teen to drive often. Think about it: if your teen does not get any driving practice, how is he supposed to become experienced? And without driving experience, how is your teen supposed to know how to handle certain driving situations?

You can not just hand your teen the keys when it is time to leave for college. You must help your teen become a safe and experienced driver before he leaves the nest. Below are some tips to get started.

Save yourself the effort. One way to help your teen become an experienced driver is to let him run your errands – even if it is just a quick trip to the grocery store. Wouldn’t you rather kick off your shoes before starting dinner than stand in line for bread and milk?

Take advantage of the weather. Do not refuse to let your teen drive if it is snowing or raining. The seasons won’t stop changing when you’re no longer around to shelter your teen, so you may as well prepare him for all driving conditions.

Go cruising. Let your teen take you for a Saturday spin once in a while. He will benefit from the relaxed driving atmosphere.

Watch your teen’s driving habits. Each time you and your teen are in the car together, pay close attention to your teen’s driving habits. Do not scrutinize or criticize your teen – that will only make him nervous. Praise the good moves, and correct the errors.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in Michigan

Finding cheap car insurance in Michigan isn’t similar to conducting brain surgery, though at times it may feel like it. You just have to know what you need, what you could use, and what is out there being offered to you.

Purchase Michigan’s minimum car insurance requirements. Michigan requires three kinds of car insurance coverage: personal injury protection (PIP), bodily and property damage (BI/PD) and property protection insurance (PPI). None of these kinds of car insurance coverage protect against damage and theft, though; for those kinds of protection, you must purchase comprehensive and collision car insurance policies.

Purchase a multi-line policy. A multi-line policy means you have more than one kind of insurance policy from the same insurance company. For example, some people purchase both their health insurance policies and their life insurance policies from the same insurance company. Talk with one of your current insurance companies about the different kinds of insurance they offer. You may end up purchasing a cheap car insurance policy from your homeowner insurance company, or vice versa.

Consider a multi-car policy. A multi-car policy – when you have added more than one car to your current car insurance policy – provides a discount on your car insurance in Michigan. This doesn’t mean you should run out and purchase a new car to get a multi-car policy; however, if your spouse or teenager has his or her own car and insurance policy, join up and get a discount.

Ask about other special discounts. Other special discounts include those intended for good drivers, good students, senior citizen discounts, and discounts based on the location in which you live as well as the car you drive and its safety features. Some car insurance companies in Michigan offer discounts specific to their insurance company. For example, one Michigan car insurance company may offer discounts to drivers who drive for a certain period of time with no accidents or traffic infractions.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance in NC

Is it possible to get cheap car insurance in NC if your driving record is less than perfect and your car’s included on this year’s list of cars most at threat for being stolen? Actually, it is possible. While your North Carolina car insurance company may not be throwing discounts at you left and right, you can still find a way to get cheap car insurance.

Aside from taking advantage of discounts offered by car insurance companies, the simplest way to get cheap car insurance is by purchasing only the minimum requirements. North Carolina’s minimum car insurance requirements are $25,000 for coverage of property damage; $30,000 for coverage of the bodily injury of one person; and $60,000 for coverage of the bodily injury of two or more persons.

So, how do you know if purchasing the state’s minimum car insurance requirements is the right option for you to obtain cheap car insurance in NC?

If your car is completely paid for, you may consider purchasing the minimum car insurance requirements in NC. If you borrowed money to purchase your car, your lender will most likely require you to purchase full coverage car insurance in NC; however, once your car is completely paid for and only in your name, you are free to put any kind of car insurance on it you want. This means you can purchase the minimum car insurance requirements for the state.

Another instance in which you may want to purchase the minimum car insurance requirements in NC is if you are a student, or you are just entering the workforce. Students spend most of their time in class or studying, so finding a job that will pay high car insurance premiums is difficult. People who have just entered the workforce are trying to get on their feet and settled. Once students graduate and once new employees get on their feet, more car insurance can be purchased.

How to Get Really Cheap Car Insurance in New Jersey

One reason car insurance prices continue to rise in New Jersey as well as the rest of America is insurance fraud. Insurance fraud makes it necessary for car insurance companies – and all insurance companies, for that matter – to raise their rates in order to compensate for the money being paid for illegal insurance claims.

You can help yourself, and your fellow New Jersey drivers, to keep car insurance prices down and help maintain cheap car insurance in New Jersey by educating yourself about insurance fraud.

What is insurance fraud?

A person commits insurance fraud when he or she gives his or her car insurance company false information while filing an insurance claim. For example, if you crashed into a telephone poll, and claimed you had a friend in the vehicle with you who sustained injuries, your friend could collect money from your insurance company to compensate for the injuries. You two could split the money and have a fun night. However, that friend was never in the car, so it’s fraud.

How does insurance fraud affect me?

As a New Jersey driver, insurance fraud affects you when car insurance companies have to keep hiking up their premiums. You end up paying more money to compensate for the crimes committed by others.

Do those who commit insurance fraud walk away wealthier?

Well, the sad truth is that if they don’t get caught, they do walk away with some extra money in their pockets. However, if the do get caught committing insurance fraud in New Jersey, they face losing their driver’s licenses, paying fines of up to $15,000 per incident, and jail time.

What should I do if I know of an insurance fraud incident? To help keep cheap car insurance in New Jersey, you can report any incidents of insurance fraud by calling (877) 55-FRAUD. All information about yourself is kept anonymous and the fraud information you provide is kept confidential

How to Get Really Cheap Car Insurance in New York

New York State is a no-fault state in terms of car insurance coverage. Simply put, this means your car insurance policy will cover you, and the other guy’s car insurance policy will cover him, regardless of who was at fault for the damages.

You can purchase New York’s minimum car insurance requirements just the same as you would in any other state in America; however, New York’s minimum car insurance coverage requirements are a bit more in-depth as far as coverage goes, and pricier as far as costs go.

The minimum car insurance coverage in New York is as follows:

$10,000: Property damage liability
$50,000: Basic, no-fault coverage

Bodily injury liability: For injury, $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. For death, $50,000 per person, and $100,000 per accident. Uninsured motorist’s coverage: For injury, $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. For death, $50,000 per person, and $100,000 per accident.

Of course, if you don’t own your car out-right, i.e., you borrowed money from a lender to help pay for it, you may have to purchase more car insurance than the minimum.

Despite the high costs of the minimum car insurance requirements, it is possible to get cheap car insurance in New York. Shop around with a few NY car insurance companies (remember, drivers in New York must purchase car insurance from a company licensed to do business in New York) and ask about what kinds of discounts they offer. Some discounts are pretty standard, such as those for good students and multi-line policies; other discounts may be unique to that particular car insurance company.

You may also make changes on your own to your car. Make sure it is up-to-date with safety features such as anti-theft alarm systems and reinforced window. Child-proof locks aren’t only safe, but impressive to car insurance companies. And instead of leaving your car in the side of the street, store it in a garage.