Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Car Insurance Shopping on the Web Can be Tricky

It can pay to do some comparative shopping when you are seeking to buy car insurance, as price quotes can vary quite a bit from company to company. This certainly applies if you are seeking estimates on the Web, as studies have shown that the quotes offered by different companies on the Web can vary by up to 80%. Nobody wants to pay more than necessary for auto coverage, so it is worthwhile to devote some time to attempt to find the best deal for your vehicle.

Here are a number of tips that may make it easier for you to search for auto coverage on the Web:

Be skeptical of price quotes that are way out of line with the others, especially if they are overly low. The low quote might be due to a mistake on the part of the Website or a mistake on your part. You need to follow up any online estimate that interests you with a phone call. The majority of estimates should come within a reasonable range; if one quote is only one third of the others, you're almost certainly looking at an error.

Be sure that you are comparing identical things - Estimates could vary from site to site because the parameters of your search could be different. Be sure when you complete the online forms that you are seeking estimates for exactly the same coverage. Estimates that vary significantly do not always mean that one company is more affordable; it might mean that you were not careful to compare the same two things. If one Website provides a quote for comprehensive coverage while another is offering an estimate for just liability, the results will vary quite a bit.

Don't assume that the quotes are always accurate. For some reasons, many online price quotes are simply not accurate. You may find that the estimates offered vary from the price you will have to pay if you call an insurance agent. You should verify the estimate with a telephone call.

Check out at least ten different sites. You can review the two or three companies that offered the most reasonable prices for additional comparisons. Estimates can vary so dramatically from one company to another that it really is worthwhile to check with many different companies. The more information you have, the more educated your decision will be.

Take care to do it right, as a little diligence when looking for insurance might save you a lot of cash. Shopping for auto coverage is like shopping for anything else; it takes time to locate the best price.