Car Insurance Can Be Such A Racket!
My dad used to say: “Car insurance is such a racket!”
He was talking about how good drivers pay into it for years and never get anything out of it except for this supposed peace of mind in knowing that its there for us just in case...
So when the opportunity comes up to save money on my auto insurance…without compromising my coverage...then I'm all over it!
Here are a few ways to slash your car insurance bill today…
* Teenagers that live at home: restrict their usage of your car so they are considered to be an "occasional driver" by your car insurance company.
* Raise your deductible: Raising your deductible from $100.00 to $500.00 could save you hundreds of dollars per year.
* If you have a business and a teenage driver: Have your teenager drive the company car because many car insurance companies don't charge extra for teenage drivers.
* Dump your collision coverage: If your car is worth $3000 or less, some auto insurance companies will still cover it for its full amount if totaled, which means you have no reason to pay extra for collision coverage.
* If you're under 25: Unless you are a maniac behind the wheel, get your parents to put you on their auto insurance policy.
* If you rent a car: Check to see if you are already covered by your auto insurance company before you waste $20.00 to $30.00 per day for the extra car insurance provided by the rental company.
* Get multiple auto insurance quotes: Like any business, car insurance compete against each other and rates can vary greatly from one company to the next. You don’t need to wait until renewal time to change over because they will prorate and refund what is left over on your existing car insurance policy too.
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